How to increase male strength worries many of the stronger sex. Potency plays an important role in every person's life. This process is essential for conception, sexual health and psychological well-being. If the process is disrupted, then the man is experiencing problems in one of the listed systems. Before you start restoring potency on your own, you need to find out the reasons that weakened it. This can be done by a specialist using a variety of examinations.

Process etiology
To understand what causes can affect potency, you need to understand its etiology. Several systems are involved in the formation of male power:
- Nervous system;
- Genital organs;
- Sex glands;
- Vascular system;
- Psychological factor.
For excitement to occur, a signal is needed from the cerebral cortex to the nerve endings located on the man's penis. In this case, the hormone testosterone is released into the bloodstream. Testosterone is produced in the human prostate gland. Under the influence of the hormone, there is an increase in blood circulation in the vascular system. Vessels carry blood into the cavernous bodies of the penis. Nerve impulses transmit a signal to the roots, blood is blocked in the penis. After the arousal subsides, the blood returns to its normal course.
If a violation occurs in one of these systems, then the man's potency worsens. To determine the cause, you need to undergo a thorough medical examination.
In some men, under the influence of psychological factors, signal transmission is impaired. With such a problem it is necessary to consult a psychologist.
What reasons affect potency

Male strength depends on many factors. Experts subdivide them into two main types:
- External environmental factors;
- Internal pathologies.
External factors include a man's unhealthy diet and alcohol abuse. Fried and fatty foods cause irreparable harm to the health of the patient and his figure. Such men are often overweight, have problems with the cardiovascular system, and their potency is impaired.
Alcoholic drinks lead to disruption of the nervous system. Under the influence of alcohol, the patient's signal transmission from the cerebral cortex is disrupted. The impulse becomes weak, inhibited. If the patient drinks alcohol on a daily basis, the signal transmission is completely disrupted. Many people with alcoholism are impotent.
Beer loved by many men should be considered separately. The drink contains a substance similar to the female sex hormone estrogen. This substance affects the change in the state of the reproductive system. It replaces testosterone, which is responsible for secondary sexual characteristics. The patient's figure changes, body hair falls out, libido disappears. If the abuse of beer continues for a long time, the patient's masculine strength is completely lost.
Various injuries of the genital organs also adversely affect the state of male potency. Under the influence of blows or bruises in the patient, the location of the internal organs may change, while they exert pressure on the adjacent tissues. Injuries to the gonads are especially dangerous. The glands are necessary for a man to produce full-fledged seminal fluid. In the testicles of the patient, sex cells are formed - sperm, in the prostate gland - the secretion of semen. If one of the glands is damaged, spermatogenesis is impaired. The man has problems with erection.
A sedentary lifestyle also affects the state of male strength. Many modern men have a profession that involves prolonged sitting. In this case, the nutrition of the pelvic organs is disrupted. If you do not take any measures, problems with potency may arise.
Internal pathologies include a wide variety of diseases. For male strength, cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders, genitourinary infections and hormonal disruptions are dangerous.

With cardiovascular diseases, the patient has problems with blood circulation. This is especially true for the peripheral veins and capillaries. Violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the man's penis leads to a decrease in potency. Sexual intercourse becomes incomplete.
Neurological diseases affect the condition of the cerebral cortex. With such pathologies, signal transmission to the roots of other organs is disrupted. If the pathology proceeds implicitly, then the patient cannot find out the reason for the decrease in male strength.
Hormonal disruptions lead to changes in testosterone levels in the blood. This affects the deterioration of the prostate gland. The patient develops prostatitis. The disease has a negative effect on male strength.
Also, experts note that the psychological state of the patient also affects potency. If a man is exposed to strong psychological stress, suffers from depression or is surrounded by stress, a decrease in potency occurs.
Potency restoration methods
In the first stages, a man needs to identify the cause of the problem. This will help you choose a method to increase masculine strength. The restoration of potency is carried out in the following ways:
- Medication;
- Hardware techniques;
- Medical massage;
- Conservative treatment.
The medical method for increasing male strength is the most effective. Experts distinguish between chemical and herbal preparations to restore potency. Chemicals include drugs that force an erection. The process takes a long time. In some cases, the substance can have an effect up to 12 hours. It is not recommended to take these substances on your own. They have a large number of side effects and contraindications. Experts prohibit these medicines for the heart.
Herbal medicines include a wide variety of dietary supplements. These medicines contain not only herbal ingredients, but also vitamins.

Hardware influences include magnetic heat. For the procedure, the specialist marks special places on the patient's body. Under the influence of magnetic waves, the destruction of pathological tissues in the body occurs, inflammation disappears. Such treatment is relevant for prostate adenoma.
Modern beauty parlors offer men a prostate massage. Many patients are embarrassed about this effect. This is a mistake.
Prostate massage helps to normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs, restores tissue nutrition, and increases male strength. After 5 procedures, the man should pay attention to how his potency has changed. Many patients notice changes after the first procedure. Experts recommend massage twice a year. This will help maintain men's health and restore potency.
You can also increase male strength with the help of a procedure such as acupuncture. It is performed by placing medical needles at specific points. Acupuncture helps to restore the psychological state of the patient, enhances sexual function, and improves the trophism of the tissues of the pelvic organs.
Conservative treatment
Experts resort to conservative methods with a slight deterioration in male strength. This treatment includes the following techniques:
- Diet food;
- Physical exercise;
- Lifestyle changes.
For male strength, nutrition must be controlled. Many foods are harmful to health. Such food must be completely excluded from the diet. To increase male strength, you need to pay attention to foods such as oysters, mussels, legumes, herbs and cheese.
Oysters contain in their composition a substance that is a natural stimulant of potency. In the 18th century, men deliberately ate several shellfish in order to induce sexual arousal and prolong sexual intercourse. Modern doctors also recommend eating oysters at least twice a week.
Legumes are high in zinc. It is essential for testosterone production. Eating lentil or white bean porridge daily will help restore blood levels. It must be remembered that only cooked products have this property. Pickled beans and kidney beans are of no use.
Greens are rich in many different trace elements. For male strength, parsley and spinach leaves are beneficial. They contain a plant hormone that replaces testosterone. A man should consume at least 50 g of these plants daily.
Experts also recommend increasing physical activity. For potency, you can perform special exercises. The selection of the load should be carried out by the coach.
The increase in male strength is also influenced by the control of sexual activity. The person must have regular sex. This will help maintain sexual health.
If a man noticed a change in potency, he should consult a specialist. The doctor will tell you how to strengthen male strength and increase potency.